Friday, August 19, 2011

20 - 23 weeks

This is me and Sam at 20 weeks. Things have been going well for us. I feel better this month. The four month hang over has gone way - thank goodness.

He is an active little guy. I feel him numerous times of the day. I love feeling him. It catches me off guard and then I smile because I love knowing he is going through the day with me. He isn't big enough for Owen to fell yet, but those days are coming.

I think I have narrowed down his room decor. It will be animals like Andrew, but not necessarily Noah's Ark. It is called Jungle room and the colors are brown, lime green and teal blue with elephants and giraffes. We are thinking of getting the other 2x2 picture from Walter Anderson - the opposite one that Andrew has in his room. But then we don't know if we aren't being creative enough. We love those prints so that is why we are leaning towards it.

I still haven't developed any cravings with this pregnancy. I love eating french fries but I don't necessarily know if that is because I am pregnant or b/c I love french fries. I remember with Andrew specifically being in need of ice cream and fried pickles. Of course I could still eat those two things now, but it is not a need.

Actually instead of having cravings, I have more aversions to food. I really can not eat or cook chicken. I still like chicken nuggets but only from certain places. I have a hard time eating really sweet things like strawberry desserts. Chocolate still does not seem to be a problem for me - thank heavens!

Our next appointment is 8/30/11 and I am looking forward to hearing his heartbeat again. I can't believe I will be 6 months pregnant in a week!

1 comment:

The Campbells said...

You look great! Can't wait to see that bump in person! :-)

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