Thursday, April 8, 2010

4 months olds

Andrew is now four months old! I can't believe it. He is changing every day and becoming such a little man. I call him little man every day. He just looks like one. Andrew is all one has confused him for a little girl.

We had our 4 month well baby check up on Tuesday. I took the day off because I also had to get my permanent crown later that afternoon. So Tuesday was a busy day of doctor's appointments.

Here are Andrew's 4 month stats:

Weight: 15 lbs and 15 ounces (75th percentile)
Height: 25 7/8 inches (80th percentile) - he grew 2 inches in 2 months!
Head Circumference: 16 7/8 inches (65th percentile)

The visit was very good and Andrew handled his shots ok. He cried, but he was really sleepy so it took me a little longer to calm him down that it did at the 2 month visit. Once we got in the car he fell asleep.

I bought rice cereal to start practicing with the spoon. I have to be very honest that I am not ready for cereal or juice or anything that makes me think my baby isn't an infant any more. So we aren't diving into cereal just yet...but we do have it in the house along with some apple juice. But I am making no firm commitments that I will be giving any of these to Andrew in the near future. His pediatrician told me I have until 6 I maybe procrastinating a little on this one.

Here are some Andrew facts:

* He found his feet a couple of weeks ago and loves to grab them and put them in his mouth
* He goes to "sleep" between 6-7 pm. I say "sleep" b/c we have him in the living room with us until the 8-9 hour. I feed him one last time during 8-9 and then we put him in his crib. However, this week I am trying to put him his crib between 6 and 7 pm. I can't decide if I want that to be the last feeding of the night or wake him up b/ 8-9 pm to eat again. It is a work in progress.
* He is still a great sleeper. In fact last night we had a terrible storm and he slept through it.
* He loves his exersaucer. He grabs at all of the objects and he moves his feet to rotate his position in order to play with more objects.
* He is a happy baby...loves to smile and coo.
* He is laughing now
* He recognizes us and smiles
* He notices Ralphie more and more. Oh and Ralphie is becoming protective of him. This is especially apparent when we hold Andrew in the air. Ralphie thinks this is dangerous and will bark and growl at our feet until we put Andrew down.
* He has rolled over a couple of times. We have only seen him roll over from tummy to back once. We have seen him roll over from back to tummy several times.
* He is a verbal baby. He is still working on his vowels. He got a sing along cd for Easter. There are songs for each letter of the we have been listening to that in hopes that letters and vowels will make sense to him when he is ready to "talk".

Hopefully I hit the highlights for the last two months. Andrew engages in life and his surroundings. I love it! It helps me look at the world with new eyes! Such a joy.

Here are pictures from his "4 month photo shoot" :) HA! You will notice that my sign and the actual date I took the picture are a day off. I forgot to take the picture on the 3rd, but what is one day????

1 comment:

Telena said...

So cute!! He is looking like his daddy! :)

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