Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sam's Bedtime Routine

Sam is a pretty easy child to put to sleep...but he has his quirks. We read 3 books. Say the prayer (and pray for a lot of people...everyone he can think of). Sing a song or two. Then I put him in his bed. The quirky part is, he wants his lamp on and a toy or a book in bed with him. He plays quietly and I think is asleep in 10 minutes (sometimes longer).

When Owen and I get ready for bed, we go in and turn off his light. We love seeing what position Sam is sleeping in. One night we found Sam like this...

In mid reading he fell asleep. He also does not like a cover and does not like to wear socks to sleep. But he does need a few of his favorite stuffed animals.

Last night Owen and I went to Sacred Heart's new parent orientation. Sam's teacher Elizabeth came over to babysit. She put Sam to sleep for us (which he did not like...he is a mama only for bed time).

At 1 am I heard him on the monitor asking for me. I hoped he was just rolling around so didn't get out of bed. Then I heard his footsteps coming to our room. Sam looked around our dresser...saw that we were there and went back to his room. He then turned on his lamp and crawled back into bed. He stayed there until I went in to get him this morning.

Another routine of Sam's is to come and get me in the morning. Anytime between 5 and 5:40 am. For him to stay in his room until I got him...was different.

Sam still wakes me up once a night. I can't tell if he is hungry or if he tee tees and that wakes him up. If it is extremely early morning (1 am or 3 am) I can usually put him back to sleep pretty easily. But if it is 5 am...then we are up for the day.

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