Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Day to Day

I am in a little bit of a funk. Both boys are growing and our routines are changing. I am not sure how to change though. Andrew is becoming a kid and I don't know how to make sure he is still a little boy but yet give him kid privileges (not even sure privileges is the right word). Sam is growing too. His bed time routine is so off right now. I hate it. He used to be so easy to put to bed. Now he gets out, cries, bangs the door. All these things I thought he would do when he first got his big boy bed. I still think he needs a "lovie" b/c he likes to snuggle. Elphie isn't making the cut. But what that item or thing is a mystery to me. I am reading him more books trying to get him to a calm peaceful state before leaving. He doesn't want anything. You can't negotiate or reason with him. It is a little tiring. Then to top it off he is waking up at 5:45 am by screaming my name. He used to be the one we would have to wake up. Where did my good sleeping child go? Naps are even a nightmare. They used to be easy. I blame beck leaving. We weren't ready for that. I wasn't ready for that. But it happened and no going back now.

Meal times are becoming more difficult too. I know I feed them the same three things and hardly give them vegetables. But they don't eat them when I try. They always eat fruit though. They aren't finishing their dinners either. So I wonder if they need to eat later. Give them a snack when we get home and then dinner. I don't know. We have had the best routine for 4 years. I thrived off our old ways and now I am in complete darkness. I don't know what to do. I want to change and grow too but I don't know how.

The organizations I am involved in are busy now too. So not only do I have the mom stress of keeping life organized and happy at home, I have extra curricular stress too. I know I put that on myself but lately it has seemed like nothing is really coming together. I am bouncing around instead of being still. I want to be still for a minute. But then when I do have a still minute - I am confused and anxious.

Basically, I am in a mom funk. I am hoping that the tide turns and I am back to feeling confident. But right now, I don't.

Here are some pictures of the boys this week.

1 comment:

The Campbells said...

I completely understand about the funk. I feel like I am drowning in the chaos that is my messy house and crazy work. We're good on the schedules at home (for the most part) but I'm sure that will change eventually. I need a time out from life for awhile!! Hope things get better for you. :-(
PS--for dinner at my house, you eat what I cook or you don't eat. Some nights Caroline only eats a couple of bites or only eats her fruit. She's still alive! :-) Good luck--feeding kids really sucks sometimes!

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