Thursday, November 10, 2011

So I don't forget

Well...since I bragged earlier this week that the time change did not effect Andrew, I decided to give a little update. The time change HAS effected him - I hope or we are in the begging stages of the terrible twos. He comes home from day care so tired, cranky and hungry but is so emotional about all of it he just cries. Trembling crying. I am at a loss...this is not typical of him. He did start the new class this week and the time change was this week so I think those are two really big things in his world. I do realize that I am not good at going with the flow. I tried to be funny with him and to change to subject, but that did not work. So I am in uncharted territory but I am telling myself this is a phase. We will both get the new routine down once he gets used to the new class. With all of that said I am glad we are going through this change now instead of in 2 months when he would have been moved. I can't imagine a newborn and a 2 year old in uncharted territory.

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