Tuesday, February 8, 2011

14 Months

Andrew turned 14 months last Thursday. He is blossoming right now. Here are some fun facts about him.

* He can say ball, book, dog, and recognizes bananas and tries to say banana as well
* is pretty good at throwing a ball
* is learning to walk (see video below)
* says Mama when I walk into a room and picks me out of pictures
* points at things he wants
* loves Ralphie
* thankfully has a great appetite and tries new foods easily
* goes to bed around 6:30 pm
* On weekends he takes 2 naps (one in the morning and one in the afternoon)
* At school is takes one nap
* He is wearing 18-24 month clothes
* He likes books and has his favorite books to read before bedtime

Here is a video of Andrew walking to me last night

Pictures of our 14 month old baby boy


The Campbells said...

Yea, Andrew! Such good walking! Caroline is all over the place now and is getting pretty fast...but not running yet, thank goodness! Happy 14 months!!

Southern Girl and family said...

He is precious!! Yay big boy for walking!! Girl, get ready, the adventures will for sure start soon! :) Hope you guys are well, we miss seeing you guys on your daily walks and around the neighborhood. :)

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