Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Andrew is One

In my last post I told the story of Andrew's is the story of the dreaded one year doctor visit. OUCH! Is all I have to stay about it. Andrew handled the shots as well as you could handle 5 shots. But that night was a different story he was hurting so badly and nothing could comfort him which made for a very sad mommy.

Andrew is 22 lbs and 3 ounces which is in the 40% percentile
He is 29 3/4 inches long which is in the 50% percentile
His head is 18 3/4 inches round which is in the 80% percentile

He is a healthy baby boy!

We are transitioning into whole milk now and phasing away from the bottle. I think the bottle is more of a crutch for me b/c we have morning bottle time and I am going to miss that.

He is pointing now.

He is a great eater (thank goodness). He will try anything you give him.

He is a fast crawler and is trying to walk. He hasn't yet...but does walk behind a walker toy and you can tell he is thinking about it.

He is understanding what you say so now Owen and I trying to teach him things.

His personality is really coming out and he is a man who knows what he wants when he wants it. He cries now when he can't reach for something or if he isn't happy with a situation.

No new words this month. He is still good with bye-bye and hey. However he talks constantly. He loves making noise with his mouth.

I am sure there is more but that is all I can think of. I just can't believe he is one!


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