Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Out with the old and hopefully in with the new

I now know what people mean when they say your body is not the same after you have a baby. I am back to my pre-baby weight (not that I was happy with that weight, but I am back to it) however my clothes don't fit the same. This past Saturday I wore pants that zipped and buttoned for the first time since probably my 4th or 5th month of pregnancy. What can I say...I love jump suit/work out outfits (and I realize I don't work out...so I am most likely being a poser by wearing them, but they are comfortable and I feel somewhat put together when I go out in public). Back to the story at hand...since my clothes don't fit I went through my closet and gave 4 big black garbage bags of clothes away to goodwill. I am proud of myself b/c I was not in denial this time when going through my closet. Usually I do this and tell myself that one day I will fit back into most of the clothes in my closet. Well not this time. In fact, my taste in clothes have changed as well. That is probably why I was so motivated to get rid of so much. Some of the clothes I have had since college. So it was time to say good bye. But the good news (and the hopeful part) is I need new clothes which means shopping. The tricky part about that is it is hard to drop what I am doing to go shopping. Even weekends aren't that easy to find time for myself to shop. Oh well...this just means I can daydream about cute clothes and in my dreams I am a lot skinner and everything looks amazing on me! HA!!

Love Erin


Georgette said...

Congrats on getting back to your pre pregnancy weight, I am still not there yet. I still have about ten to loose for pre pregnancy and would love to loose another 10. Oh and yes your body will never be the same.

The Campbells said...

I am so jealous you're back to your pre-pregnancy weight! I still have 10 pounds to go and would like to lose more than that! Guess that means I need to get off the couch! I planned on breastfeeding to help out with losing some weight, but that didn't work out. :-( Good luck with squeezing in shopping time!

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