Monday, December 9, 2013

Birthday time for Andrew

Andrew is now 4!!! And he is every bit 4. His vocabulary is amazing. He loves to be outside. He pays attention to sports and seems to really like football. He LOVES a stuffed animal. There is not a stuffed animal that this child does not like. He likes planes and big trucks. He likes to watch Apple TV. He is really getting into Spider man things and likes Jake the Pirate. He is a sweet, loving and just all around a great four year old.

He had his check up on Friday and he is in the 44% of height and 68% of weight. The doctor was very happy with his development. Since he will be going to 4 Pre-K at Sacred Heart they gave him his booster shots. Andrew did so well with the one in the arm but the leg one hurt - alot. It was a silent cry hurt. He limped the rest of the day (I think partly for the attention).

He does seem to really need attention right now. Which is hard for this momma b/c I want to give him all the attention I can, but it is hard.

Andrew was so excited for his birthday. He had been waiting so patiently for the day to come. Here are some pictures from the third.

Opening his gifts with Ralphie the helper

Birthday donuts by request - chocolate with sprinkles

His hide out tent - present from mom and dad

First remote control monster truck

Getting ready for cupcakes at school

Plane cupcakes - also by request

Our birthday boy

Sign outside of M&M!!!
He had a good day and week full of love of celebrations. Mommy and Daddy love you so much. Happy 4th birthday!!!

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