Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Halloween 2013

We had a couple of friends over for trick or treating and ordered pizza again this year. I ordered way too much though - I guess I thought I was feeding an army. It was going to storm Halloween night and it in fact did rain but we were lucky enough to be inside when the downpour happened.

Our street has alot of kids on it which is great but that leaves few houses open for trick or treating business. I think the kids stopped at 5 houses but they had fun and that is the whole point.

Andrew was a pirate - he changed his mind 1000 times, but since we had one costume - he remained a pirate. He was a cross between Jake the Pirate and a Buccaneer. Sam was a scare crow and he was right there with the big kids running from house to house. Sam amazes me at how much he wants to be like his brother.

M&M had a costume day as well on Halloween. Andrew wore his costume all day and loved every minute of it. Sam wore his half the day. I was able to pick them up early and get ready for our friends.

Andrew the Pirate

Waiting for our friends

Sam eating the candy we had out for trick or treaters - he wanted a head start

My adorable baby

Trick or Treat in full action

Sweet friends, Brantley, Andrew and Vivvie

CeCe - A friend in Sam's class and Sam

Dinner time - Bergen, Vivvie, Andrew and Brantley
I love Halloween!

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