Monday, July 29, 2013

Sam at 19 Months Old

Someone is beginning to act and look like a toddler. That someone is my sweet, energetic, oh so funny Sam.

Sam is curious. He is loving. He is smart. And his is FUNNY! Sam has the best facial expressions. This has not changed. I say it month after month. He brightens up my day. He has perfected the hug and puts his arms around your neck for a real good "I love you" hug.

He is talking more and more. Owen and I counted and he has 25 plus words. He says something new every day.

Sam does not like to be left behind. But he loves to be chased. He loves peek a boo. He likes to be sneaky in a kindhearted way. I think he likes to be sneaky b/c he loves to be chased.

He loves to hold your hand and walk. He likes to walk everywhere.

He also likes to have what Andrew has. If I am holding Andrew - Sam makes a beeline to me and says "hold me" in an almost crying voice. Sam knows 8 out of 10 times I am going to put Andrew down and pick him up. I can't help it - he is the baby!

We call him Sam the swiper. In a Dora the Explore book (we don't watch the show so I am not sure if this is a main character) there is a character called the swiper. And there is a line that says "Swiper no swiping". This is Sam. He will come up and do a run by take of a toy that Andrew is playing with. So we call Sam the swiper. I can't tell you how many times in a weekend we say "Sam no swiping".

Sam is making small progress with staying in the kitchen to eat or drink. This morning in fact he put his cup down to come with me to the bedroom. This is BIG progress actually.

He is also developed a must have relationship to his tag blanket. He calls the blanket "beck". This has only just developed with in the last month. Sam has owned the blanket since he was 3 months old...but now it is his favorite item and the only item that will calm him down when he gets upset.

Last night I did not give him milk before bed. Normally he gets to drink milk while I read stories and rock him. But last night I switched it to water. I had done this months ago but then he hit his head and I went back to the comfort of milk. He definitely noticed and kept calling for his dad to get him milk. But he went to sleep like normal and all was well.

We love him so much! And one person that Sam loves alot is his big brother. Sam studies Andrew. It is so adorable and a friendship is blooming - I just know it or at least I pray for it.

Funny Big Brother
It is hard to believe my baby will be 2 years old in 5 months!

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