Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012 is the year that Andrew started to understand what the hustle and bustle of Christmas is about. He learned about baby Jesus all week at school. He asked Santa for gifts. He made cookies for Santa and said Santa wanted chocolate milk with the cookies. He went to bed on Christmas Eve without a fuss. We watched Christmas movies for weeks right before bedtime. It was truly a joyous time of the year.

Christmas morning came bright and early - not as bright and early as a school day which is a wake up time of 5:30 am. We woke up at 7 am when we heard Andrew stirring around in his room. Then we went to get Sam and my parents quickly followed.

Seeing Andrew so excited made my year! He got everything he asked for which was a tricycle and a Woody doll. Luckily Owen took some pictures of our morning.

Christmas morning - Santa found us!!
Stockings and more gifts from Santa
Andrew riding his tricycle from Santa
Sam playing his new piano Santa brought him
Andrew with his Goofy doll that was in his stocking
Andrew with his Woody doll

Trying to get the boys to take a picture together - impossible

I loved seeing Andrew so happy! And Sam...just followed suit and was a happy baby.  The boys played with their new toys all morning. Sam took a morning nap and then we headed over to the Munton's. Abby and Eric were there and we celebrated with them too. Mrs. Wanda's Christmas lunch was delicious and the company was too!

I would say Christmas 2012 was a happy, happy holiday!

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