Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Christmas Morning

 The first few pictures are from Christmas Eve. The boys made brownies this year for Santa and left them out near our front door. We also had carrots for the reindeer. Our neighbors Susan Robinson and her girls made reindeer food to attract the reindeer to our house.

Christmas morning started around 6 am. That is the time the boys have to wait before he get up to see if Santa came. Ralphie got his Christmas bone and some canned dog food. He has discovered canned dog food and loves it more than a dog can love anything.

Sam has become a fan of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He wanted clothes to wear to support his new team. He started liking them because on Madden he always wins when he picks the bucs.

Andrew is playing with legos he received. All Happy Potter ones. 

Sam's big gift was this ridiculously huge hot wheels garage. He LOVES it.

Ralphie still enjoying his bone. He will keep this bone for a year until I throw it out and get him a new one Christmas next year. 

Our Christmas card we sent out this year. 

Andrew's big gift is a drum set. But as you can see Owen is having a lot of fun with having drums in the house. 
Andrew's presents this year were:
harry potter book - from mom and dad
harry potter collectible - from mom and dad
harry potter lego - from mom and dad
echo dot - from dad
PS4 game - from santa
cowboys socks& Shorts , saints shirt - from mom
drums - from mom and dad
4th Harry Potter book - from Sam
lego book - from santa

Sam's presents this year were:
big boots - from santa
lego city - from mom and dad
lego city - from mom and dad
PS4 game - from santa
dogman book - from mom and dad
Buc shirt and slippers - from mom
Fire Stick - from dad
Gift from Andrew
hotwheels garage - from santa
lego book - from santa

Santa also brought the boys new PS4 charger and covers for the the controllers. They also got Just Dance from Santa. 

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