Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Sam Turns 5 - Pokemon Party

Pokémon hit our house in a big way. Both boys love collecting the cards and other things that go along with Pokémon. Sam also wanted a Pokémon party - so that is what we did. We celebrated in January since his birthday is the holiday season. The night before the party a tornado hit Petal and Hattiesburg. There was a lot of damage in Petal and the night was pretty scary. We gathered in the bathroom for some of the night (my parents, Ralphie, the boys and Owen and me). As we were in the bathroom and then again in our bed - Sam asked if his party would be canceled. I hoped it would not have to be. But we lost power at our house and I was unsure about the town. That morning, Owen went to get donuts so we could see what things looked like. Krispy Kreme is next to Planet Gymnastics (party location) and they had power. We knew the party would be on then. Sam was so happy. I think parents were happy too because it gave people something to do after the crazy night.

Sam had his M&M friends, SHS friends, and family friends all attend his party. He was cloud 9! He would not even blow out his candles because he was soaking up the attention. He had the biggest smile all day. He loved getting new toys and enjoying the morning! It was a success!!

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