Friday, October 29, 2010

There is a fine line

I think there is a fine line between asking questions to get advice and to learn from a friend and trying to one up a friend with the way you parent your child. A friend of mine did a week of what kind of mom are you. I loved reading what other mom's wrote about their thoughts and attitudes toward being a mom. I feel like I am still on the new mom block so I don't have too much insight on the type of mom I think I am compared to the type of mom I actually am.

I thought I would be a loving mom - reality is I am a loving mom.
I thought I would not care about organic foods and making my own baby food - reality is I do care about those things and try to make my own food - even more reality is store bought baby food is so much easier.
I thought I would be a stay at home mom immediately - reality is I am a working mom and have found a good balance - even more reality is I still want to be a stay at home mom and know that one day that will happen (it is what gets me through the day)
I thought I would not be too scheduled as a mom - reality is I am a scheduled mom with my baby and it works - even more reality is my baby is on his own schedule and I work his schedule
I thought I would care more about milestones and making sure my baby is on track - reality is I don't worry with milestones because I am really enjoying every moment with my baby - even more reality is my baby is on track and he gives me no reason to worry (praise the Lord)!

I have been blessed beyond belief this year but being blessed with a healthy baby and a happy home is not the point of my post today. I saw this video on a blog I read here and this video made me laugh out loud. I have been in these types of conversations but hopefully NEVER to the extend of comparing myself. I know it happens and my mind does go in that direction sometimes, but I immediately try to get in a different frame of mind and realize that questions are to help me understand how to raise my sweet little man and to gain helpful advice. However with all of that said...this video is priceless and I hope you enjoy it.



The Campbells said...

hahahahaha! love this video!!

melanie said...

A friend of mine posted this to her Facebook... I love it more and more every time I see it!

Granny Debbie said...

That is the funniest video I've seen yet. I have a friend who is about this bad--and I fear for her kids!

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