Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My 1st home made wreath

In case you did not know I have two versions of myself. I have the artistic person inside me who thinks I am super creative and can make anything I see. Then I have the realistic person inside me who says..."no really you should just buy that". Well the artistic side came out for Halloween. I saw Halloween wreaths at a festival and they were selling for $50 plus. I thought to myself..."I can create a wreath for cheaper than $50". So I attempted.

Here is my attempt at being creative. I think the $50 ones probably looked better, but I am proud of my wreath.

Owen thinks I should have added orange for color. I am neutral about that idea.



The Campbells said...

Great job!!! I totally understand about the 2 sides. I'm going to try & make Caroline a 1st b-day tutu.

Granny Debbie said...

I think it's cute! Good job.

leemeandthegirls said...


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