Monday, October 4, 2010

10 Months Old

Look Who is 10 Months Old??

My sweet Andrew turned 10 months on Sunday. We celebrated by having a day at home. He was in a very playful mood so he played and played until he went to sleep last night. We love watching him grow and discover his world.

On Friday we went to Starkville for the MSU game. As always, we had a great time and Andrew adapted well to the hotel room. He actually slept really well - and I was very thankful for that. My sinuses are terrible right now and I am thankful for any sleep I can get.

Here are some fun facts about Andrew:

* He is crawling every where and only crawls like a big boy, no more army crawl
* He is pulling up
* He has let go and stood by himself a couple of times
* No new words or sounds this month
* No new teeth this month
* He is growing like a weed - I can't keep him full, he is constantly hungry

Things we are going to work on this month:

* Weening off the bottle to a sippy cup. He drinks water out of the sippy cup, but I have attempted formula yet.
* Expand his menu for eating

Here are more pictures of my little man from this month



The Campbells said...

They're getting so big!! I am in awe every month at how fast the time has gone!

Granny Debbie said...

I am so glad that you have the earphones for him. I wonder how many kids get their hearing damaged by the cowbells and whistling. You are a good mama!

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