Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Just an update

Sam has not pooped in potty again. Maybe it was an accident that it happened in the first place, but it seemed like such a milestone. He still loves his potty prize though.

Sam has learned to open doors. This is opening up a new world to him. For example he goes into Andrew's room now and wakes him up at 5 am. Not only do I have one child up - we have both. And it's just late enough to not go back to sleep but early enough to have sleepy children bu 8 am. This is very frustrating. I know it is a new phase and independence for Sam. I don't mind him coming to wake me up, but waking up Andrew puts a whole new spin on it.

They are taking their school pictures today. We took Sam's 2 year and Andrew's 4 year pictures on Friday. I can't wait to see them.

Andrew is so smart. I was talking to another parent and she told me that the teacher brags on Andrew to her as well. Because Andrew picks up on everything and is so good in school. The teacher then told the mom "I don't know what they feed him". This made me laugh. I think it is because I am a stickler for them getting a good nights sleep. And now they are getting less sleep than ever. Again...another reason the sleep issue stresses me out.

Andrew told me to "Rock on" as he has getting on his bike. Such a funny little man.

That is about it for now...just going through some growing pains with my little Sam. Trying not to get too wrapped up in the difficulty but also trying to be firm. It is a hard balance. I love these two so much and want to be the best mommy to them.

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