Monday, June 21, 2010


I have wanted to write this post for a week now and can't believe it has taken me so long to write. Last Tuesday a good friend of mine, Telena from college stopped in Hattiesburg while going home from visiting her family in Columbus. We had breakfast together and I was able to meet her precious little girl who is 2 years old, visit with her mom and meet her two cousins. It was definitely a treat for me. A day like last week is the number one reason I wanted to go to the W. I am sure I would have meet lasting friends at other colleges, but I just don't think I would have made the long standing friendships that I did make at the W. Telena and I haven't talked on the phone, seen each other or email regularly for 4 years and in actuality we have seen each other maybe twice in 10 years. My numbers maybe off, but the point is having breakfast with her and her family was like we had seen each other yesterday. I love being able to pick back up with an old friend. My memory is terrible when it comes to stories, events, etc...with college, but one thing I do know is a fact...I have great friends from college. The women I met at the W are the women who taught me what a true friend is, how to be a good friend and how to be myself around other people. They also encouraged me to excel, to voice my opinions and to be involved on campus.

Thanks Telena again for stopping in Hattiesburg! It was great seeing you and I am so glad I got to meet Reese. Hopefully another 4 years won't pass us by...

Here is a picture Telena took of us.

1 comment:

Telena said...

Love the post! I'm so glad we were able to visit. Next time, I want to meet little Andrew!! I could've sat there all day chatting! We need to chat more often!
Love you,

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