Thursday, December 27, 2012

Sam's First Birthday

Many Happy Faces from the One Year Old

M&M had the class Christmas parties on the 21st. I signed up to bring cookies to Sam's class so I could bring birthday cookies. He wore his First Birthday Shirt to school that day too.

He was so mad b/c I put him in this chair
Then he perked up realizing it was a party for him
Taking a bite of his birthday cookie

We saved his birthday presents from us for his actual birthday. Andrew woke up first so the three of us went to wake up Sam. All of us sang Happy Birthday - even Andrew. It was a sweet morning wake up. Then Sam got to open his gifts.

Sam at first was more interested in his morning bottle

Velveteen Rabbit and book from mom and dad

Moose from his brother - Andrew picked this out just for Sam

Happy Birthday Boy

Brother checking out Sam's present - this was his big gift from mom and dad

Taking it for a test ride

My parents came to town that morning as well. And later that day we got ready for church.

At church Sam decided to show us he can be in charge. I brought cheerios for Sam to help keep him quiet during mass. I have been telling Andrew that we don't eat or drink in church b/c he is too big now to be doing that. But my lesson is back firing now b/c Sam is at the age where a snack is appropriate to help keep him occupied. So with that said I told Andrew that the snack was for Sam but I did let Andrew sneak a few bites. However on one sneaky moment Sam caught it and with his finger pointing at Andrew said "No, No, No". It was loud and it was hilarious.

After mass we rushed home for a red beans and rice dinner. I thought of this meal because I could cook it in the crock pot and everything be ready when we got home. It worked out perfectly and even better is that Sam could not get enough of the red beans. So it has officially become his birthday dinner tradition. We had my parents and Owen's parents over for dinner and then sang happy birthday with birthday cake for Sam. It was a sweet day and fun festive Christmas Eve birthday for Samuel.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't believe he's one! Love their outfits! Happy Birthday, Sam! :)

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