Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bath time

I have come to really like bath time. When I was pregnant with Sam bath and bed time thoughts overwhelmed me. When Sam was an infant the thought of doing both by myself made me anxious and scared. I would get so frustrated when Owen came home late (late is used loosely b/c he comes home the same time between 6 and 6:30, but in those early days that was LATE). But now, I have a system and Andrew knows the system so it makes it a little enjoyable. Even when they are both crying (usually one is crying b/c the other one is) I find it amusing yet chaotic. Yes, I am usually sweating and wondering what went wrong in the moment of the craziness and tears, but if I could have an out of body experience I know I would find it funny. I have a feeling I am going to miss these times with both of them needing me so much during bath and bed time.

After I get both of them out we lay on Sam's floor for our lotion applications and diaper coverage :) Then it is off to pjs and kisses. Here they are on the floor in the assembly line I created.

Then comes the pajamas and lovies

Owen is home by now and he takes Andrew off on night time adventures. They are usually playing Fireman Sam with Andrew in the lead of playtime. They run from the pole in our house (now the fire pole) and then they run to the fire to put it out with the "hoses" all while wearing their fire hats (ball caps). I have to get a picture of the two of them. Andrew is full speed ahead at night and then it takes him an hour in his room to calm down and wind down enough to go sleep.

Meanwhile, Sam and I are rocking and singing songs until he falls asleep. For the past two nights he has eaten one last time at 9 pm and then slept until 5 or 6 pm! I love this schedule!

After Sam goes to sleep - it is Andrew's turn. He is a mess and wants me to rock him but won't sit still long enough for me to actually rock. I do love this time with Andrew. We talk about his day and he tells me stories.

So the night time activity I dreaded is now becoming my favorite part of the day.

Another part of our night is Sam has started solids. I tired the rice cereal again last night and he didn't like it. I decided to give him carrots instead and he liked those much better.

I wish the pictures were better. I took them from my phone and they did not turn out so good.

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