Monday, December 12, 2011

24 months - 2 years old

Andrew is now a 2 year old. I will say it for the 24th time - WOW! I can't believe my baby is 24 months old. He is a pure joy. Owen and I are so lucky to have him as our little man. Some things he is doing right now are:

* He love trucks, firetrucks, trains, and balls
* He doesn't really have a favorite food but likes basic type food. He does like hummus and will eat any kind of fruit. He is still picky about vegetables.
* TV Shows he likes to watch are Thomas the Train, Bob the Builder and a new one - Fireman Sam.
* He is very verbal and is great at giving out instructions. For example..."mommy move", "mommy sit", "daddy do it", "mommy read" and so on...
* He can say his last name and knows what Owen's and my name are. He is shy when you ask him to say these things in front of other people.
* He is such a talker at the house but when we are around others he gets shy
* He fits in so well with his new class. All the kids seem to get along great with each other and I am so thankful for that.
* He is learning how to sip from a cup and is pretty good at it.
* He doesn't use a booster sit at restaurants anymore and He is actually pretty good at eating out.
* He does not wake up starving right now. He can wait 30 minutes or so before wanting breakfast. I actually like this b/c we can be a little slow to get started on the weekends.

His birthday was on a Saturday this year. We woke up at our normal time for weekends - around 7 am. Andrew opened his gifts which were Elmo themed and he got a toddler bounce house. We blew up the bounce house for him to play in it for a while. Then we went to breakfast at I Hop for pancakes. Andrew loves pancakes and their chocolate milk. After breakfast we came home and played, took naps (Andrew did) and then Aha and Mick brought pizza over for lunch. Then our friends Ms. Amanda, Brantley and Emery came over for cake and ice cream and to play in the jump jump. Aha and Mick got Andrew a slide for outside and Brantley and Andrew enjoyed every minute of going back and forth from the slide to the jump jump. It was actually the perfect Saturday and a wonderful birthday.

We just love him and love watching him grow up.

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