Thursday, August 26, 2010


The moment Andrew was born I was smitten. As the day comes and goes my heart is full of love for this little man. He is almost 9 months old and that is bringing a wave of emotions for me. I just want to hold him and cuddle with him. Last night when I was putting him to sleep I decided to take it all in. I get so caught up in the daily routine of life. You know the routine of dishes, lunches, dinner, etc... However last night I didn't care about any of those things. I just wanted to rock and hold my baby for as long as I could. So we did. It was a peaceful night of love and harmony.

Enjoy the pictures from the past week...

Grumpy man

Grumpy man no more

Pure joy for his best friend Ralphie

The sweetest smile around

1 comment:

Claire said...

Good for you! I totally feel your pain with the everyday business of life as a working mom... I owe you a LONG overdue phone call! Promise that will happen soon. Love you, friend.

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