Wednesday, August 4, 2010

8 months old

Photo shoots are getting harder by the month

Andrew is 8 months old! My little man is growing up so fast and healthy. We are truly blessed. I feel like the luckiest mom being Andrew's mom. Here are a few new facts about my little man.

* He is crawling...the army crawl that is
* He is pulling up on any object he can
* He eats his fruits and veggies with no fuss
* He is on the high end of formula intake at 5 bottles of 8 oz a day. Next week I am going work on getting that to 4 bottles every 4 hours
* He LOVES the water.
* He is saying more sounds now and is making a clicking sound
* He laughs loud and will even hunch over in laughter
* He loves Ralphie and we are now saying..."Andrew leave Ralphie alone" instead of "Ralphie leave Andrew alone". We have noticed Andrew is the instigator.
* He is working on more teeth, but still only has his 2 bottom teeth
* Andrew gives the best hugs
* He is a happy, content, and love-able baby boy

I love him so much

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