Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekend Fun

We had a nice relaxing weekend. It rained a little both Saturday and Sunday so we stayed in and didn't do too much. All of us are a little sick. I guess we caught a summer cold. I had it first, then Owen, and now Andrew. I really don't like it when he gets sick. His cough sounds like a man's. I called the pediatrician and am waiting for the nurse to call me back. I just don't know if I need to bring him in or if there is something I can give Andrew that is over the counter. He is coughing, sneezing, pulling his right ear (not the ear that was infected), and he has a runny nose. I think he is teething so maybe some of these symptoms are related to that.

We did have fun this weekend. We went to Target to get Andrew a new toy. Here are some pictures of us having family time. Even Ralphie was apart of the action.

Andrew rolling over and Ralphie "helping" him.

All smiles for the new is a workbench so he will be ready to help daddy out in the garage some day.

Hard at work :)

Rice Cereal has become a daily activity. I have been feeding him when we get home from day care. I thought adding one more thing to our already packed night time schedule would be overwhelming. But so far, it hasn't been too bad. I am still tweaking Andrew's bed time. Luckily once he is truly asleep, he is down for the night. I can't put him down while he is still awake, he has to be asleep and then I put him in his crib. I realize this is a "no-no" for bedtime routines, and I am reading a book to help me with this. It is a work in progress.

Here are a couple of pictures of Andrew enjoying his rice cereal.

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