Thursday, May 27, 2010

The perfect article at the perfect time

I think our life is more on a schedule than I realize sometimes. I am reminded of this when Andrew doesn't go with the flow like he typically does. For the past few nights (maybe a week) he has been waking up between 3 and 4 am. He seems hungry, agitated (still think he is teething), and definitely needs a new diaper. But the hunger part is what I am having trouble reading. He is EXTREMELY hungry at night when I put him down. I think my milk supply is getting low b/c I am not able to nurse him as often during the day. When we get home in the afternoon we play, we eat rice cereal, take a bath and then I nurse him. Normally he falls asleep during the nursing part of our night. But for the past week he has been wide awake and looking for more food. I have been giving him a bottle too...and an hour or later he is falling asleep. I have noticed 7 pm his Andrew's bed time. I really don't need to start getting him ready until 6:30 or 7:00...anytime before that he isn't ready and any time after that he is too tired to soothe himself to sleep. This morning I got an email from What to Expect and this is the article they sent me. Perfect timing! The article is about growth spurts. In the back of mind I thought that this is probably what Andrew is going through...but it is nice to be reminded that in fact babies get hungrier when they are growing.
Here is the article:
It amazes me how things enter your life when you need them too. I thought I wasn't doing something right b/c I am having difficulty this week with reading Andrew, but then this article comes my way and I am reminded that Andrew will always confuse me and that is one of the joys of being a mommy!

PS: I tried to link the article so you would just have to click on it, but I could not get it to work.

1 comment:

Telena said...

Growth spurts will get you everytime! I always felt like as soon as I had Reese figured out (as an infant) that she'd go and change on me. Definitely think they love keeping their mommies on their toes! :)

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