Thursday, April 22, 2010

What to write???

It is Thursday and the day for me has slowed down so much that the next hour of work is going to be torturous. We are going to Selma tomorrow and I have a laundry list of things I need to do in order to get ready for that trip. I think time moves slower when you really need to do other things but can't. That is how I feel right now.

The ladies at Andrew's daycare think he maybe teething. They said he was a little fussy yesterday. He is not a fussy baby so this was alarming to them. I went to a wedding shower Tuesday night and Owen said he was fussy and would not stop crying for the hour or so I was gone. Also, not typical for Andrew. Last night he woke up at 5 am and wasn't hungry but wanted to chew on his pacifier. So I held him as he sucked on the pacifier until he fell asleep. I just continued to hold him until I had to get ready for work. I have been on the way too sentimental side of the spectrum this week. I am not sure what is going on...could it be my hormones stabilizing from being pregnant? Or could I just be going crazy? My answer changes by the hour.

I get very anxious in unknown territory with Andrew. I was like this before he was born about breastfeeding. But I got that down to perfection. Now I am entering into the world of teething and rice cereal (still haven't done that by the I am waiting until we get a high chair...any recommendations on a brand of high chair that is good???) Before I had Andrew I thought a 4 1/2 month old was still so tiny but in reality a 4 1/2 month old is so big. He is rolling over and sleeping on his side. He is starting to copy our mannerisms (which is hilarious). We have been practicing sitting up and I think he will be doing that on his own in no time. He uses his leg muscles to stand up and the look on his face is priceless. He is so proud of his standing accomplishment.

So this is why I have been sentimental crazy Erin...I don't know how to handle my little infant becoming a big boy :( The changes are happening so fast. They are fun and exciting and I go to bed each night in amazement and wonder that our little man is growing up. I know this is just the beginning of new wonders and I am looking forward to see the world through Andrew's eyes...I just wish time didn't move so fast.

1 comment:

Telena said...

We always knew when Reese was teething because she wasn't her "normal" self either. She was always calm and easy-going until the teeth came.
I understand your sentimental feelings, I feel them all the time, especially as age 2 is quickly approaching!! :(
Enjoy every minute! Have fun in Selma!
Love ya!
p.s. I'll be emailing to make definite plans about June and coming through to see you! :)

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