Thursday, April 29, 2010

Week coming to an end

I am glad tomorrow is Friday. We have a fun trip to Jackson planned. We are in search of a high chair so we will do some research and hopefully come home with one. We also want a changing table for our room. We have found that we change Andrew in our room more than we do in his room. I can't believe we have gone this long with out getting one. We did look at Target a couple of weekends ago, but they didn't have the color we wanted. Other than that we have a pretty low key weekend planned.

Next week Andrew has a play date with a little girl from Mommy and Me. Facebook once again has helped make a friend connection. I noticed that one of the mommies is friends with some people I know so I sent her a message. It amazes me how people are connected to one another. Next Thursday Andrew will go to the park in our neighborhood to play with his new friend. She is 2 months older than Andrew.

I have realized that I have a flaw...shocking I know! Sometimes my flaw is actually beneficial but lately it is a flaw. That is I plan the next step in my head too much. I realized this about me this morning. Andrew woke up at 5 instead of us waking him up at 6:30 am. So I fed him which meant I didn't need to feed him at 6:50 like I normally do. Well this change of events led us to have 10 extra minutes in the morning. I didn't know what to do. I had nothing to do and I couldn't think what the next step of my morning was going to be. I almost got uneasy b/c I didn't know how to relax for 10 minutes. Then I realized I am like this all the time. In the evenings I don't stop until all the chores are done. And you know what? It is exhausting...but chores have to get done. But my question is why can't I relax when I have the time to relax. It is like I am on guard all the time. Owen and Andrew were having play time this morning (remember we were running ahead of schedule) and all I could think about was...Owen is going to be late. I couldn't stop and enjoy the moment b/c I was worried Owen would be late to work. But in reality no one was going to be late. I think I need to chill out. How do I do that though?


Telena said...

Oh my gosh, I'm just like you--constantly on "guard" and can't relax. When you figure out the solution, please share! I have (sorta) learned to let things go more and enjoy the time with Reese and Grant but I still always feel that I'm neglected something that needs to be done. So frustrating..especially when you are a Type A person!! :)

Southern Girl and family said...

Let go of the's so hard!! :) Adam always and I mean still to this day, take a deep breath and relax. We will unload the dishwater later...

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