Thursday, January 21, 2010


As I have mentioned earlier I am dealing with the worst countdown ever. The countdown is how many days I have left until I have to go back to work. Right now it is 2 weeks away. So this brings my planner self to a whole new of level of getting Andrew and me into some sort of routine. I am re-reading the Baby Wise book to help me get focused. Our feedings are going well. Thankfully he is a good eater, but sleeping for a full night is another story. He is changing every day and one change is he is not utilizing his nights as well as I know he can. He is a great napper so I know we can get him to a night routine. We have a bassinet that he has been using and is quickly outgrowing it.

Here is a current picture of him in his bassinet...

As you can see he is touching the sides of the bassinet and doesn't have much room to grow anymore. Last night we put him in his crib for the first time. This didn't go as well as I had hoped. We will try again tonight. I haven't started a bed time routine. I guess I think he is too young for story time, but I read today in Baby Wise that I actually do need to start a bed time routine which includes reading a book. I am going to try that today. There are so many things to do and to try...I get overwhelmed at times. If I wasn't going back to work, I think I wouldn't be in a rush to get into a routine. I am actually more relaxed than I thought I would be. As long as our eating is on schedule the rest of the day just falls into place for me. But since I do have to go back to work I need to get a night time routine so our life is balanced.


heatherclardy said...

What a sweetie! Love the card we just got in the mail! I guess I am his "aunt" since I am your little sis and all! Caught that you were reading Baby Wise. THat book really helped me a lot and Michaela was a great sleeper because of it. I know that you are an amazing mommy as you are friend! Let me know if you are in Columbus. I want to get together!

melanie said...

I am also revisiting Babywise because I suspected that Luke wasn't nappig well enough during the day. I started putting him down awake in his crib for naps instead of his swing --- and it worked! He fussed for a few minutes, I gave him a paci and patted him and he went right to sleep! He took three good naps, and then slept 12 hours at night. He has been doing this for two days. It was the first time I felt like a good parent, i.e. I knew he needed more quality sleep and I "helped" him there even though he initially protested. I don't think I would have stuck with it if he had cried more more than a couple of minutes -- I am not ready for that much tough love : ) I will say I tried this unsuccessfully a few months ago, to different results. That was when Luke was still having tummy issues though. Good Luck!

Telena said...

We started Reese at 2 months "crying it out." It was hard; thank God Grant is stronger than me. The first night it was 30 min, then 20, then 10, then nothing! He would listen to the monitor while I went to our bedroom and "hid." Some people might disagree but it's what worked for us and I, too, had to get ready for work again and in a routine. You have to find what works for you, Andrew, and Owen! :) Good luck! It does help to hear all the stories from friends though! :)

Shannon said...

I hope Baby Wise helps you guys get in a comfortable routine! I tried it with all three of ours but ended up giving up b/c I couldn't stand crying. However, by the time they were each about 9mo. old and still not sleeping I did it again and it always worked!!! Maybe with this 4th baby I'll be able to stick with it. :)

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