Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I have been tagged and since I have some time on my hands I am accepting the challenge. Here is the challenge: Go to the 6th picture folder and take the 6th picture out and explain it. Then tag 6 other people to do the same. However, the jump drive I am using only has pictures, not folders, so I am using the 6th picture.

This picture is from a very special day. This was taken almost a year ago (2-16-08). My dad converted to Catholicism at my mom's childhood church. This is the church my brother, mom, and I were baptised in. It is St. Thomas the Apostle in Chickasaw, AL.

Not only was this a big day for my Dad but it was a big day for Owen and me as well. Before we went to my dad's ceremony we went to the coast of MS first to pick out our puppy dog. After we choose Ralphie (he was the only one who did not jump on me...I thought that was a sign he would be independent) we drove to Chickasaw. After being with my family and enjoying the day with them, we headed back to the coast to pick up our baby puppy dog. Life has not been the same since :)

OK, so now I tag, Telena, April, Heather, Becky S, Lynn, and Emily.

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