Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Sam's 7th Birthday Party - Army Laser TagDavid

David and Chase

Robert Parish, Andrew, Eli, Ian, Kaden, and Joshua

Bo Tatum

Sam, Iggy and Khloe

Watson and Liam
David, Cole, and Robert

Sam's Class - Liam, Riley, William, Noah, Khloe, and Coulter

Coulter, Axel and Andrew

Vivvie and Andrew



Alex, Sam and Iggy

Bergen and Claire

Coulter, Axel and Lucy


Brantley, Vivvie and Andrew


Even Ralphie dressed up for the party


Sam planned and decorated this party. He told me he wanted a laser tag birthday party 6 months before his birthday. He wanted the army theme - he loves to play with army men. He decorated the tables - with his own toys.

The party favors were army men packs and army/American flag bandannas (which were a big hit).

He invited his class, other school friends, his soccer team and neighborhood friends. Sam also did not want to wait long to have his party. So we planned it for the Saturday after New Year's Eve. I thought it would be a hard weekend for his friends...but it was actually a perfect weekend party. Everyone was in town and he had all of his friends celebrate him. The party and day could not have gone better :)

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