Thursday, January 19, 2017

Sam turns FIVE

Sam is now a WHOLE HAND!! I can't believe he is 5. I am a little sad - mainly because he is my baby and I want him to be little forever. But Sam is not little. He hangs with the big kids like he is their age. He plays so well with them and with Andrew.

For his birthday Sam got a baseball bag, Paddington Bear and book and a wooden farm. He wanted the farm while we were at the Ranch. They had one in their gift shop. We could not fit it on the plane with us, so Sam got it for his birthday. I think he was really surprised.

At five years old Sam loves to play. He loves to be outside. He loves the water hose. He loves to be with his brother. He does not like to be alone. He is still pretty picky when it comes to food. He still loves milk and drinks so much of it. I don't think he has a favorite food - because he really doesn't like to eat.

He does not sit still for long. He does not watch much tv or really care about tv. The only exception to this is in the mornings. He will come and get me up around 5:30 and we watch peppa pig together before the rest of house wakes up.

He loves back scratches and head scratches. He is a sweet and funny kid. Loves to tell jokes and make people laugh.

Life is better because Sam is here in our world. Love him so much - just wish he could stay small. But he is ready to conquer the day and world. No staying small in his mind...he wants to be apart of life and adventures.

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