Thursday, August 7, 2014

Sam's 1st hair cut

I love Sam's hair. It is curly and only curly. It is wild. It is beautiful. I love it.

But the day came - July 10, 2014 - for Sam to get a hair cut. This was a little different that Andrew's first hair cut. Andrew had curls at the end of his hair and I didn't want to cut those...but eventually had to and he has a boy hair cut.

But Sam...I knew it would be a trim and no curl would fall off. He needed it out of his eyes and off his neck.

Sam knew we were going. He has seen Andrew get his hair cut many times. But when we got there the silent tears fell and fell. He was terrified. Clinging to my neck. Telling me no. Loving on me to get me to take him out of the salon.

I promised him a toy if he did not cry while she cut his hair. Luckily, Megan (the hair stylist) was smart. She let him sit on my lap. He did so good. No tears at all and even got a sucker.

Here is the before after picture, because it basically looks the same...just cleaned up a little.

Since he pulled it together and was a great sport about getting his hair cut, I took the boys to Walmart. Sam really wanted a green power ranger and Andrew picked a dinosaur transformer. It was a fun afternoon.

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