Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Andrew - 4 1/2

I thought it was time for another update on the boys.

Andrew is 4 1/2...that is so hard to realize. He is a big boy in so many ways...yet so tiny in other ways.

He gets so upset when Sam messes with him. When Sam takes a toy or hits (b/c Sam does still hit when he is upset).

He still loves to be held and wants his momma to do most everything for him (which I do).

Andrew is funny and talkative! He is so smart and so loving.

I asked the boys questions the other day to see what they liked right now. Here are Andrew's answers:

What is your favorite color - blue and brown
What is your favorite food - peanut butter and bread
What is your favorite tv show - toy story 3
What is your favorite thing mommy does - Making me food
What is your favorite thing daddy does -  call me butter cup
What is your favorite thing to do at school - going with Graham to the centers
What is your favorite sport - football
What is your favorite breakfast food - oatmeal
What is your favorite fruit - banana
What is your favorite toy - blue power ranger and mickey car


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