Friday, May 31, 2013

Sam at 17 months

Sam turned 17 months last Friday. I have a list of things I want to remember about Sam at this age. I should have written this post three times by now but I get crippled with the thought of it. I know that sounds so strange. With Andrew I wrote his monthly post on the exact day more than I didn't. But with Sam I don't want to miss any detail so then I just don't write at all. That doesn't even make sense but in my head it does.

But I know if I don't write a post at all then I really will forget and that will make me sad. So here are some fun things Sam is doing.

He is the funniest little guy I know. His personality bursts at the seams.

He loves to carry things and tells us "bye-bye" when he does

Sam has the best facial expressions. He has from the moment he was born

Sam loves a tag blanket. I got him one for his first day of day care b/c he loves to snuggle with blankets and I thought maybe he would be one of those babies that loves tags. Well I was 100% correct with that assesment.

All tags calm him down. Especially this blanket. When his sleepy he looks for a tag to suck on. He liked pacifiers more than Andrew did but grew out of that pretty quickly, but tags have stayed as his comforting tool. I think it is cute and reminds me he is still my baby.
He is a determined boy. He likes to have a mission and completes it before moving onto something else. He loves shoes. I am not sure if I have mentioned that before on his monthly posts but the boy LOVES shoes. I have more shoes for him that I ever did with Andrew. He will pick out the shoes he wants to wear. I think it is the funniest thing. He also wants to have one shoes at all times and looks to make sure everyone else does too.

He still loves milk but recently is drinking more juice. He calls anything in a cup juice. Orange juice seems to be a favorite.

This month he decided he would eat peaches. Sam is not a baby who likes fruit. He is my meat and potatoes kid. He used to drink the fruit pouches alot but that has slowed down. I would buy $30 worth of fruit pouches a week and now I just buy the $3 apple sauce ones that come in a box and they last a while. They are good to take to restaurants but other than that both boys have lost interest.

Sam is saying more words now. He says: more, dog, apple, Abby, Andrew (getting so much clearer), Ralphie is more clear too not RaRa anymore, Dadda, Mommie (now calls for me when he is in his crib), juice, car, baby, ut oh, no (and says no when he doesn't like what you are doing and will answer no if he doesn't want something - this is helpful), shoe, mine.

He can point out body parts very well.

If you tell him do something he will do it. Like find your other shoe. Or where is your cup (and he will go get it).

We are teaching him to keep his cup and food in the kitchen. This one is harder than I would have thought but he is slowly getting it.

Will answer you no or yes by shaking his head and if the answer is no he will say no.

Below are pictures from our beach weekend. This was the second time Sam has been at the beach. He did great with the sand. He did not like the hot tub.

Sam at 17 months (actually taken on May 25, 2013)

I got him his first pair of crocs for the trip. He LOVED them and was so proud of them.
Sam does not meet a stranger. He adapts to any place you take him. Will talk and flirt with new people. It is amazing to watch. I love this child so much. Every day I make sure to give him extra kisses and hugs.

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