Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sam at 15 months

Sam turned 15 months this past Sunday. Hard to believe it but it is true. And he is every bit of a little toddler. He walks so good and Owen and I are amazed at that because he just starting walking a month ago. He is really starting to show us he understands his surroundings. Over the weekend we told Sam it was time for "nite nite". He took his medicine and gave Andrew a hug and a kiss. Then he walked straight to his room and tried to climb on his chair. It was so funny that Owen and I did the same the next night to see if he would do it again - and he did. He is starting to say more things. He looked at Ralphie this morning and said "Ralph". The end syllables are still hard to recognize but he is getting it. I thought I heard him say "block" while picking up a block.

I remember when Andrew was this age and Owen and I were impressed with every little detail he did. We would ask ourselves if we would still be amused with a 2nd child. We now the answer is YES! They are different which makes it fun. Sam is a little less shy and smiles and waves to everyone he sees. He really is the charmer.

This past Monday Sam had his Mommy and Me Easter Egg Hunt. Sam was the first one out the door holding onto his Easter basket. I had to run ahead to get a picture of him.

Leading the Group
He was a little confused at first, but after showing him to put the eggs in his basket...he got the hang of it and then when he realized there was candy in the eggs...well that added a whole new excitement for Sam.

Mommy and her 15 month old

"Ball" - that is what he called the eggs
Eating the candy out of the eggs
It was a great party! Here are some fun things Sam is doing right now.

* He still LOVES music and will kick his legs or sway when he hears music. He loves to get my old iphone out. I put itunes on for him and he walks around holding the phone to his ear like it is an old school boom box - it is hilarious.

* Still does not like fruit unless it comes in a pouch. He does try food and likes meat and potatoes.

* Goes to bed between 6:15 and 6:30 and wakes up early around 5:30 or 6:00 am

* He LOVES Ralphie and watches everything Andrew does.

* Starting to cry for mommy. He gets very upset when I leave a room and will come find me.

* He is starting to listen to a book when I read to him. Before he would try to get the book or bat away the pages. Now he appears he is listening.

* I still give him a cup of milk before bed. I am not sure how we will stop this b/c he loves it and I do too.

* I can't tell you (oh blog book of mine) how much Owen and I enjoy Sam. He brings a smile to our faces. Sam's expressions are priceless and even though his words are limited he can communicate very well.

We go for his 15 month check up next week. I always love these visits. This visit I am curious how his ears are doing. He constantly has a runny nose and little cough. I know the weather is not helping but it worries me.

This is Sam laying on the floor at Mommy and Me

1 comment:

The Campbells said...

Wow--he really looks like Owen in that last picture! Can't believe how big he's getting!!

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