Thursday, May 24, 2012

Sam at 5 months old

How is this happening? How is Samuel 5 months old?

He had a check up for his ears today - basically just a recheck to make sure the antibodic shots cleared up the infection. All is good - YAY!
He weighed 17 1/2 pounds this morning. He is my big boy but still my baby boy in so many ways.

Yesterday was the first time he seemed to get upset that I was dropping him off at school.

He LOVES Andrew and just lights up when Andrew is around. Good news is Andrew likes being with him too. If I have the blanket out for Sam to lay on and practice tummy time...Andrew is right there with him showing him how to roll over. :) It melts my heart. Or If I am on the floor with Sam, Andrew is either in my lap or very close by. Andrew likes to wake up Sam with me and Sam (who is usually awake) gets the biggest grin when he sees the two of us looking over the crib rail.

Sam is so smiley. He smiles when you look at him, smiles when you hold him, smiles at just about everything. He has one of those smiles that lights up his whole face. It is amazing and I love seeing such a happy face.

He is eating about 46 ounces of milk/formula a day. He gets three bottles at school and I feed him 3-4 times at home.

He goes to sleep at 6:30 pm and wakes back up around 9:30 and 10:00 to eat. Then sleeps until 2-3 am - waking because he is hungry. Then will sleep until 5:30 or 6:00 am. Luckily he talks to himself until I can go and get him around 6:30 am.

Sam can grab objects in the front of him. He will pull on things that make noise. He is grabbing his bottle a little. I have seen him put his pacifier in his mouth.

He does still like a pacifier but not all the time. It usually calms him down if he is getting upset (which does not happen too often). Or if he is sleepy - he likes sucking on it before falling asleep.

We took the boys to the pool for the first time last weekend. Sam did not mind it at all. I thought he would like it because he loves taking a bath.

Overall, Sam's personality is a laid back, happy one. He likes to be around people and likes to play with his excersaucer. He is an absolute joy.

Happy 5 months Sam:)

Sam and Big Brother Andrew

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