Tuesday, November 8, 2011

23 Months

My baby is 23 months old. In just 3 weeks he will be 2 years old! Andrew is so fun. Some things that are new this month are:

* The time change did not effect him at all - He just picked up with our schedule like nothing had changed.
* He is in a new class now. Today is his first day. I think he will do well in the class. He is the youngest but only by a couple of months. This class they sit in chairs (not in an enclosed table) and they start drinking out of big kid cups.
* He is very verbal. He repeats and learns new words daily. He can tell you what he wants to drink, what cup he wants to use and if he wants ice.
* He is very opinionated and when he wants something he does not say it once. He says it multiple times until you give it to him. This is not good when the answer is no. He does not forget as easily as he used to.
* He likes to scream on demand.
* He LOVES playing outside and is becoming a fast runner.
* He likes to watch the sprout channel and has just discovered Bob the Builder.
* I have started to use Bob the Builder as my morning time distraction. Andrew has been very opinionated what "outfit" he wears - so opinionated that we were having full blown out Oscar winning temper tantrums about it. But now that I use Bob the Builder as my distraction I can put on the clothes I want Andrew to wear. This has been going quite well for us.
* We think he is going through a growth spurt right now. His appetite is great and he is sleeping great. He used to wake up around 5 or 5:30 and stay awake, but now he sleeps until 6 maybe even 6:30. This weekend he slept until 7! I couldn't believe it. I know that schedule will change again.
* He is becoming very good at saying please and thank you. He will even say please and thank you with out us prompting him. Again...it is hard to tell him no when he says please. I am just happy that he is learning to be polite.

We will have his birthday party on Dec 11. It is going to be an Elmo party! I am looking forward to it and hope Andrew enjoys it.

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