Monday, October 31, 2011

A night in at Aha and Mick's

Owen and I went to a halloween party Saturday night and Andrew hung out with Aha and Mick. He went over there for dinner, played, had a bath and then feel asleep on their couch. I think he had a great time.

Owen and I had a good time as well being "tourist" at the Halloween party. We thought we had an original idea, but there were 3 sets of tourists. But we came up with our idea at 2 pm the day of the party. We weren't originally going to dress up b/c we planned to go out to eat first and then to the party. We didn't want to be dressed up at a restaurant. However a couple of our friends told us that EVERYONE dresses up and we would be out of place if we didn't. So we revamped our plan and became tourists. :)

Our "story" was that we are American Tourists going to Aruba b/c we wanted a scary element to the to costume. No one got then it wasn't funny when you have to explain it - you know b/c if you are an American going to Aruba - somebody isn't coming home...Anyways, I am still laughing at this but do think it is less funny when written down.

Happy Halloween!

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