Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Andrew is 17 months old! As always, I can't believe he is toddler. I took these pictures on my phone yesterday...he is always on the move so it is hard to get a clear picture.

He is learning and doing so much these days that it is hard to write down everything.
* He is going through a mommy only phase right now. I love it, but it is making Owen sad. Even when I drop him off at daycare he clings to my legs and cries. His teachers tell me he gets over it pretty quickly when I leave.
* I pick Andrew up between 4:15 and 4:30 in the afternoons. His teachers tell me that he starts to say mama at 4:00 pm every day and waits by the gate for me to come around the corner.
* His vocabulary is increasing by the day and will try to say anything you say
* He has become interested in trains and likes to say "choo choo" whenever he sees a train.
* When it is time for bath, I say "Andrew it is bath time"...he stops what he is doing and trots to the stairs. Then he starts saying "choo choo" b/c he knows we read a train book before bed time. He is now letting me rock him before bed time. We say our night prayer and I sing to him and then I put him in his crib. This is a new change b/c I used to have to get up and sway with him. I am personally loving the rocking routine. I tend to stay a little longer since we are sitting down.
* He officially has 8 teeth (4 top and 4 bottom) and two top molars have been trying their hardest to fully break through. He has been "growing" those top molars for a month now. I just noticed his bottom two molars peeping through also. I can tell he is in pain but he is a strong boy about it.
* Andrew still adores Ralphie. He gives Ralphie hugs and kisses every day. I like watching the two of them grow up together.
* He loves to be outside. In fact it can sometimes be a battle to get him to come inside.
* He is developing his own opinion and can tell you "no" by shaking his head.
* He started saying "help me" over Easter weekend. He says it in the appropriate context is so funny and I am not sure where he got it from.

We are so in love this little boy. I love getting him up the mornings. He is funny and I enjoy watching him learn, discover and think. He is absolutely a joy!


Telena said...

Precious! He's looking so grown up, like a little man!! Enjoy every minute--before you know it, he'll be approaching THREE!!
Love you!

The Campbells said...

Happy 17 Months Andrew! Can you believe our babies are growing up so fast???!!!

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