Tuesday, January 4, 2011


2011 is here. I have been thinking of what I want to write about 2011 and the passing 2010 for a week or so now. I am usually a half glass is full kind a girl but in regards to 2010 I have been the glass is half empty. Don't get me wrong a lot of good things have happened in 2010. I got to be a mom (even though he came in 2009 and I am totally giving 2009 credit for that...I did get to watch him grow and become a toddler in 2010 which was pretty special). Owen and I went on a parents weekend and left our baby at home with grandparents for a night. We now understand that is a really big deal and have not done it since. We got new cars this year that we love (yes that is a material accomplishment but one that made us happy). We planned two wonderful parties for our baby boy (his baptism and birthday). And many other meaningful milestones as family. But you know there have been some struggles this year. Nothing to really blog about but struggles that have made me cry, question life, and grow more into an adult. I know I am adult and have been for quite some time. Heck...people are really starting to look young these days and I am in my 30's now. Definitely an adult age! I will be 32 this year! That is mind blowing to me. But I am digressing....I have had to deal with adult decisions in the past but this year has thrown me like no other year. I have had to dig deep within to not be consumed by negativity. I have had to find the small joys in life and make them really big joys. I write all of this for two reasons. One to get it off my chest and two to start fresh and new in 2011.

Owen and I had a relaxing evening at home that ended at 10:30 pm because I was getting grumpy from staying up past my bedtime. This is a sad statement I know...but I tried to stay up and just couldn't. But we were at peace with our little life in Hattiesburg with our sleeping baby upstairs and sweet puppy by our feet watching football and the New Year's Eve celebrations in other cities. I was content and happy. I have a superstition about New Year's Eve and that is whatever you do on that day is a prediction of your year. So being happy and content with my family to me means a happy and content 2011 and I could not be more excited about that.

So yes, friends this year the glass with be half full even if I have to keep filling it up to make this year a good one.

Hope your New Year is a happy one too!

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