Monday, February 8, 2010

The countdown is over

The dreaded countdown of when I have to go back to work is here. I lost it a couple of times as I was getting Andrew's items ready for his first day at "school". I knew this day would come but I didn't think about it much while I was on maternity leave. I didn't want to think about it. Maybe that is irrational of me, but it is how I dealt with it. Luckily I have a husband who is supportive of me staying at home and raising our child. It just isn't the right time. We made a pack last night to work very hard to get ourselves in a good financial situation. I have to admit that I am going to have to do my part by not shopping for clothes as much as I like to. This is a typical situation of having to walk to walk and not just talk about doing it. So in June we are going to evaluate our situation and hopefully make the plan for me to be at Stay at home mom. I love typing those words!!!

Dropping him off today went pretty well. I had everything organized for him and his teacher was very nice. His daycare has the "watch me grow" camera so I am able to log on and look at him during the day. However, the camera quality isn't very good. I cried when I was saying good-bye. His teacher gave me a hug. As I was leaving I ran into a friend. Her daughter is in the one year old class. Seeing her helped distract me.

Well it is lunch time. The morning went by faster than I thought it would have. YAY for that.

Love Erin


The Campbells said...

Glad the day is going by quickly! I really hope you and Owen can manage it so you can stay home. I really wish we could figure out a way for me to do the same. I've got my fingers crossed for both of us!

Telena said...

When you and Dara figure out the logistics of staying home, feel free to share out here in TX!!
Andrew will do great and you will get better too, I promise!
Love ya!

Fr. Rust said...

Erin, I am so proud of you. Being a stay at home Mom and losing a second income in this day, I know, is very challenging. But it sounds like you are willing to make sacrifices so that you can have the unique honor and privilege to fulfill your maternal vocation.

You have my support and prayers always.

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