Tuesday, October 20, 2009

not a duck but a penguin

I am now waddling...that is right. It takes me so much longer to get to point b from point a now. As I waddle I had an image of a duck in my head. But no...I am actually a penguin. This is how I feel...

Hello, my name is Erin and I am 33 weeks pregnant. Yes, I realize I have 7 weeks to go but I feel as if my precious baby who lets me know he is well and alert by constantly kicking me (P.S. precious baby...keep kicking me...momma loves it) is ready to come any day. Yes, I do tell myself it is too early. I even tell my precious baby Andrew it is too early. Mom and Dad haven't had our birthing class yet. We don't go for another 2 weeks when I am 35 weeks pregnant. Maybe you can be a Thanksgiving baby and come at 38 weeks??

On a serious note...I am not having any early labor symptoms, but that fact that I am waddling and I had to bring in an extra pillow to the bedroom b/c my snoring is out of control makes me wonder how in the world I am going to carry this baby for 7 more weeks. Of course I can and will...but the new symptoms of being a pregnant lady in her 3rd trimester is like nothing I have experienced before. I debated even writing about my discomfort because I don't want to sound ungracious for this miracle. I thank God everyday for the gift of motherhood. I know it is precious and I don't want to take it for granted.

Well...here's to 7 more weeks of growing a baby! I wonder what other symptoms and feelings I will have in the future weeks.

Love Erin


erinenorman said...

This is the Worst time! You're SO close to the end and you feel like your body can't possibly expand anymore but yet you think, "Man, 7 more weeks of THIS?!" I feel your pain :)

Georgette said...

Girl don't feel bad about feeling tired of the whole pregnant thing, trust me we have all been there. You have earned every right to fell, well anyway you want to!

The Campbells said...

Your post cracked me up! Sorry to hear you're waddling! I do sometimes, thankfully not all the time since I have NO time to stop and rest these days. I'll say a little prayer that Andrew comes around Thanksgiving to help you out! We went to the FL/GA game yesterday, and I was super proud of myself for hanging in there like I did! Well, until we had to walk and unexpected 2 miles back to our car--ugh! Then, the moody pregnant woman started to make her appearance...plus I was hungry, NOT a good combo! I go for another ultrasound on the 11th to see if this little one has flipped. If not, they can try to turn her the next week. I've heard it is really painful, but I think I'll regret it if I don't try. We finally got our furniture and hopefully will have the nursery finished soon! Sorry for the long comment--guess I should have emailed you instead!

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