Thursday, March 12, 2009

Is it Monday?

Today feels like a Monday because I have been out sick all week. I caught the flu (or at least that is what I think I had). Owen was sick the week before with the flu (that is what the doctor told him he had). On Friday I started to feel sick so I went straight to the doctor b/c I was hosting a baby shower for my friend Deven. I was told I didn't have the flu and was given some preventative medicine. I think the medicine made me more sick. There were 5 hostesses and my part was to have the party at my house. Which I was so excited to do. But with not feeling good on Friday I wanted to make sure I got well or was not sick on Saturday. Saturday morning came and I felt ok. After the shower though, my health took a turn. Today is the 1st day I feel "normal" and am back at work.

Here are a some pictures of the shower. Thanks to Taylor I have the group shot. I took it from her blog. :)

The hostesses: Taylor, Deven (mommy to be), Paige, Emily, Jennifer and me

I got to use my Grandmother's coffee pot. First time use for me.

The flower arrangment. I wanted to something different with the flower arrangement and when I found this wicker basket, I knew it would be a perfect "vase". I think my idea was a hit.

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